Top 5 Politics Magazines

Politics: the subject that keeps on giving and giving. This short list of top politics magazines is a great place to find wealth of analysis and insight into the world of politics. Whether you lean liberal, conservative, or somewhere in between, there's a political magazine for you.

The Nation

With its birth way back in 1865, The Nation is currently the oldest weekly magazine in the U.S. A weekly journal of current events, this magazine brings opinion and analysis on politics and culture. Save up to 86% View this deal ›

The New Republic

First published way back in 1914, The New Republic does not focus solely on domestic policy, as it also brings analysis and commentary of various international affairs – all with a liberal voice. Save up to 39%! View this deal ›

The American Spectator

Founded out of Indiana University but later moved its operations near Washington D.C., The American Spectator covers news and politics from a conservative angle. Save up to 34%! View this deal ›

Foreign Policy Magazine

Foreign Policy takes a hard look at both economic and political issues, highlighting important international trends and noteworthy events seven issues per calendar year. Save up to 49%! View this deal ›

The American Prospect

Since its birth in 1990, The American Prospect has been known as a leading source for readers focused on enriched democracy and effective progressive politics. Save up to 69%! View this deal ›

This is our list of the very best politics magazines on the stands today. Get deep discounts off cover price with these political magazine subscriptions and stay on top of both domestic and foreign affairs.

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